“BNI has helped me develop strong working relationships with other business owners across the state. This has helped me in closing sales faster in my consulting business, Briggs Solutions for Business, because I’m able to provide valuable references and get great referrals. I’ve also learned a lot from other members about how to run a successful business. It’s an early Friday morning but it’s always worth it!”
“BNI is a referral network like no other. You can’t get state of the art training-in person and online, accountability, professionalism, and frankly-friendships, like BNI provides. It’s more than business growth; though that’s unmatched as well, it’s the ability to be instrumental in your group’s business growth through the givers gain! My employer, as well as manager, we’re not sold on BNI and all it was said to entail. I asked for an opportunity to see if perhaps I could change their mind. In 4 months I have closed $974,000 in business as a direct result from my BNI networking relationships. I’ve connected with folks I never would have had the opportunity or even thought to have connected with, I’ve learned a great deal from the training, and my professional growth has been a wonderful secondary side effect.”
“BNI has been a godsend for me as I’m starting a new business, in a new town! As a starter, I have all of these wonderful BNI members who can help me get set up with services from commercial brokerage to professional insurance. Now that I’m up and running, the network BNI offers is an amazing business builder, and finally, once I start getting more client relationships built, I can refer back to my BNI colleagues as I can make quality recommendations to my trusted clients. It’s a win-win-win! Visit us for a medical skincare treatment or wrinkle relaxer injectable!”
“So you’ve planted the seed of a new business, or are trying to re energize your established business. BNI is the organic fertilization process that makes small businesses grow! Join a chapter near you. There you’ll find many other entrepreneurs and professionals in your community who are dedicated to helping you grow.”
“Being a new startup business and looking for a way to increase referrals BNI Maine has been a great move. The members are great to bounce ideas off of and act as mentors to make everyone successful.”
“I was first invited to attend a BNI meeting early this year and was just so impressed with the group. They were so welcoming, professional, and ready to connect. It was great to make connections with them, so much so that I kept going back! I have been a member for several months now, and BNI has helped my business, Pickle’s Potions, grow. The networking that this group provides is priceless.I am proud to be a member.”
“I love being a realtor and helping all my clients through their transactions. But real estate is very competitive and everyone seems to know a few realtors. So how do I stand out and try to grow my business?! By joining this amazing group and BNI experience! BNI has helped me meet new people and businesses across Maine. With just 1 referral/closed business, my membership is paid for, yet I still show up each week to keep growing and to help other local businesses grow. This platform has been amazing for me to grow as an individual and a real estate agent. I am breaking out of my shell and connecting with numerous people statewide. This has been a great experience and I recommend any business looking to grow to attend a meeting and see what it is all about!”
“I’m just about to start my 3rd year with BNI this spring with my chapter Successful Business Partners. To say BNI has helped my business would be an understatement, BNI has SAVED my business. I’m a photographer and when I moved to Oxford Hills I quickly learned that establishing a client base in a small community is hard work with so many other talented people to compete with. If it weren’t for the trust and friendships I have built with my BNI family, and the business they bring me I don’t want to even think about where I might be! I recently got an email from a BNI member in Latvia!!! Interested in selling my images on their canvases! BNI has taught me more then I could ever ask and given me connections and job opportunities I never thought I would have”
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